For whom it is possible to receive family capital

Federal and regional programs are workingon the same principle, but have some differences and partially complement each other. To receive maternity capital, the main condition is the birth of a second child, and regional capital is accrued after the birth of the third or subsequent child, and the eldest must be minors.regional family capitalRules for obtaining a regional familycapital is determined at the local level. Photo: Getty The family capital certificate in the subjects of the Federation can be issued only once by submitting documents to the department of social protection of the population. Its amount is determined by local legislation and may average 100-150 thousand rubles. Each municipality has the right to set its own conditions for obtaining it, but most often the requirements are:

  • Accommodation in the region for a set time.
  • The birth or adoption of a third child after the start of this program and the adoption of the relevant law.
  • Targeted use of funds after a time specified by law.

You should find out whether such a program is available in your region and clarify the terms of registration at your place of registration.

What can you spend the certificate on?

Such financial assistance is provided in the interests ofchildren, and when registering it, you must indicate your plans for use. The conditions of disposal are determined by local laws, most often limited to the following areas:

  • Improving living conditions. It is possible to solve the problem by buying an apartment, paying off a mortgage loan, building a house, purchasing a plot of land, and overhauling it.
  • Education. Funds can be spent gradually, paying for visits to kindergarten and study in educational institutions.
  • Buying a car. The vehicle solves the problems of moving large families around the city and in rural areas, but not in all regions this item of expenses is permissible for family capital.
  • Treatment. Allowance of funds for medicines and services of medical institutions is allowed.

These products can be used when the childturns 3 years old. Money for the program is allocated from the local budget. At the local level, the problems of large families are more understandable and easier to solve. Providing regional maternity capital together with federal helps parents improve conditions for their children.

