Why the baby cries while breastfeeding

The causes of the child's restless behavior at the breast are many. It is important to pay attention to all the factors that can lead to such a problem.the baby cries while feedingIf a child cries during feeding, he may not have enough milk, he is ill or suffering from colic. Photo: Getty If the baby cries during feeding, it can be caused by:

  • Lack of breast milk. It's easy to check on your own - you have to test the "wet diapers" and weigh the baby before and after feeding.
  • Too much milk. The baby begins to choke during feeding.
  • Changing the taste of breast milk due to the use of mom's sharp, spicy foods.
  • Incorrect attachment to the chest. When the baby takes a wrong breast, he gets tired of sucking very fast and begins to be capricious, because he does not get the necessary amount of food.
  • A short frenum of the tongue in a baby. In this case, it is difficult for him to take the breast and effectively suck.
  • Using bottles with nipples for feeding. When feeding from a bottle, the baby does not need much effort. And it is difficult to "extract" breastmilk.
  • Intestinal colic, which usually disturbs babies up to 6 months of age.
  • Painful condition of the child. The kid can be capricious at the chest with otitis, thrush, runny nose, sore throat, fever.

If mum was able to find out the cause of restless behavior during feeding, then it is urgent to solve this problem.

What to do if the baby is crying while feeding

Mom is important not to make common mistakes that can lead to crying during feeding. To prevent the vagaries of the baby, you need:

  • to feed the child on demand;
  • do not limit the time of breast sucking;
  • more often wear it on hand;
  • to eliminate any stresses from the child's life;
  • monitor your diet;
  • organize a joint day and night sleep.

If you suspect that milk is notsuffice, it is necessary to consult with the expert on thoracal feeding to raise a lactation. If the milk of the mother is too much, then before feeding it can be slightly expressed, so that it does not flow too much. When the cause of crying during feeding is established, it is much easier to solve the problem. If the mother can not independently find out why the child cries at the breast, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Read further:

