Artbook. Your life in words and pictures

Read books for girlsThis book will give you inspiration and everything you needtools for creating an art album and painting for fun. The book contains tips and ideas from 27 artists from around the world to help you visualize important life events. Here are some tips to help you keep an art journal every day: 1. Describe your day. Include whatever you see fit. In the picture, you can describe not only events, but also your inner state. If any memories have awakened in you, draw them, write down what caused them. Pick one look that sums up the whole day in one way or another. The diary shouldn't become a dull duty. Draw what you want, and explain why you drew this. 2. Ten reasons to be happy. Think about what you were happy about today, and what good happened to you. A delicious cup of coffee? A colorful sunrise? Birds in the fountain of the city park? Draw some of these events and memories. 3. Draw dreams. After all, it gives free rein to the imagination and stimulates creativity. 4. Add the most mundane things to your diary. To-do or shopping list, appointment reminders, notes in the margins, whatever. Paste a ticket, invitation, dried flower, baggage receipt, postcard, or other lovely papers into the album. They do not have to be highly artistic - they are significant because they are associated with a specific day. Don't miss out on "diary" inspiration! Take any piece of paper - a receipt, a used envelope, a paper napkin - and draw with what you can find. A ballpoint pen (even if you have to borrow one) is fine. The main thing is to sketch what you want to sketch. Later, the drawing can be pasted into an album. The diary is not necessarily down-to-earth. Pay attention to what made you laugh or helped you see beauty, what was difficult and interesting - these fragments will form your notes, and you and your child will learn to notice small everyday miracles.

