Woman's Day collected all the photos that were sentour users for the contest "My schoolboy". We are ready to announce a vote on the most charming pupil of Samara, in your opinion. We sum up the results of our competition! So, Ekaterina Pustoshkina became the owner of the title "The most charming student of Samara - 2016 according to Woman's Day". Congratulations to the winner and wait for the prizes - a certificate for a month of free education on the course "Creating games on Scratch for beginners" in the children's IT school "Codology", a certificate for visiting the contact zoo, an invitation ticket to the cinema "Kinomecheta", a subscription for 10 lessons in Brooklyn Dance School and the badge. Olga's student took second place, and Roman Malyshev - the third. They are waiting for diplomas, season tickets for 10 lessons in the Brooklyn Dance School, invitation tickets to the cinema "Kinomecheta" and badges .And absolutely all the participants of the contest receive invitation tickets to the cinema! We are waiting for you at the editorial office on any weekdays from 10:00 to 17 : 00 at the address. Garden, 280, 3rd floor. Inquiries by phone 270-66-64A also invite you to the holiday! September 18 in the TC "Mega City" begins a series of family holidays from the journal "Telesem" and the radio station Country FM Samara! At 11.00 we invite everyone to the animation program "Puppy Patrol!" From the workshop "Fairy Tale". The Brave Racer and the irresistible Skye recruit the team! Together with the leading guys will go to the rescue base, where they learn courage, speed, and dexterity! All guests will receive gifts from the magazine "Telesem"! And from 12.00 will pass family master-classes on drawing and modeling of pictures from plasticine. You are also waiting for a cute rabbit from the contact zoo! Entrance to the holiday is FREE. Venue - TC "Mega City", st. Novo-Sadovaya, 160 M, 2 floor We are waiting impatiently for everyone on September 18 in the TC "Mega City"!schoolchildren of Samara1 / 2Ekaterina Amanova, 6 yearsPhoto: personal archive of the Amanov family. Photo: personal archive of the Amanov family "First class of the school No. 155. He is fond of gymnastics and drawing. There are no achievements at school yet, since we just went to the first class ".Artem Kapitonov, 7 years Photo: personal archive of the Kapitonov familySamar Sports Lyceum, 1 "B". He is engaged in figure skating, hand-to-hand fighting, swimming. Hobby - to collect real models of cars from Lego.Vladislav Kadermjatov, 7 years Photo: personal archive of the Kadermjatov family First time in the first class! School № 33.Alexey Golovchenko, 9 yearsPhoto: personal archive of the Golovchenko family3 "B", school No. 149. Mother Svetlana tells: "My son is a versatile person: he studies astronomy for the third year, likes to go hiking in the Samara region, is engaged in robotics, loves playing chess, from sports: football and swimming , in the winter - skis. She studies in the central musical school in the class of flute, chases karting, participates in various competitions, olympiads. And we also take part in various ecological actions with the help of our son and my organization: we build and hang birdhouses, feeders, and for the third time we will plant trees near the school in October. "Anatoly Ivanov Photo: personal archive of the Ivanov familyAlexandra Kulikova, 8 years Photo: personal archive of the Kulikov family. The first class of the boarding school No. 71. Mother Oksana says: "My daughter is diagnosed with autism, but despite all the difficulties and adversities, we are first-graders! Sashulka loves to sing and she knows a lot of different songs, and she also enjoys skating. I really love and am proud of my Bunny! "Elizaveta Loginova, 10 years Photo: personal archive of the Loginov family Vote on page 3!

