How to choose an activity that is right for your child?- The greatest attention should be paid to the fact,how much is healthy activity from the point of view of physiology. For example, if we choose between the chess section and swimming, swimming is better. If we choose between wrestling and skiing, skiing is better. Classes for children should be physiological, useful, promote its development. And any professional sport is categorically excluded. Although all the world champions boast of having been brought to the section in 6-7-8 years. God forbid! This is generally a story about poor Western families who have no other way to make a living as soon as they give their children to the sport. In Russia, for some reason, they try to give their children to a big sport, wealthy parents.
Photo: Getty ImagesAt what age should you give your child additional workload in the form of clubs and sections?
- Do not give extra load to the childfrom any age. You can offer mugs and sections. And then the child decides whether he likes it or does not like it. Keep in mind that before 12 years old the child can throw mugs and sections. Child psychologists believe that sustained interest manifests itself only after 12 years. So be prepared for spending money and time, and the child resembles and resigns. Because of this, it is not necessary to swear at him. His choice, his life. In a year or two, perhaps the child himself, without your participation, will return to this section or circle. How many times a week do you have to study in circles?
- Children are all different, and the age of children is also different. Moreover, the huge role is played by how much time a student spends on doing homework. According to the norms of the Ministry of Education, it turns out that in primary school it is 15 to 40 minutes, and in secondary school an hour and a half. In a real situation, a kid can spend up to three hours to prepare, and a high school student and all five hours. Therefore, when you give your son or daughter some kind of load, consider the amount of school assignments. Ideally, mugs and sections should not be daily and, of course, not more than one lesson per day. It is believed that in sports children become tired, although music can be tired even more because of nervous tension, and on the contrary, on the contrary, rest. So, I think two lessons a day is difficult to sustain. How to understand that the child is overtired?
"Watch him!" He can constantly apply or want to sleep, become capricious, nervous, hyperemotional, whiny. These are behavioral symptoms. But there are others: scoliosis from static tension, vision problems from long sitting behind gadgets. Children who do not have a separate place (their room) generally suffer. First the school, then the extension, then the house, where again he can not retire ... The child wants to visit several sections. Is it worth it to prevent it?
- It is only if it hurts himprogress in school. If the school has no problems, then let it go. By the way, when I was in school, my parents limited me: I grabbed the deuce - rest at home. To fix at least three or four, you can return to the section. By the way, the state watched this.
Photo: Legion-Media.ruShould we force people to go to clubs?
— Absolutely not. My son is quitting the section because he can’t do it. Should I persuade him?
- Do not persuade or persuade. But if you think that the child has a perfectionist problem - he throws any classes, if it does not work out, you have to go to a child psychologist. How can we instill in an adolescent an interest in sports if he is sitting at the computer all the time?
— Parents are responsible for their children.children until they reach adulthood in any case. Yes, a child should have two hours of doing nothing for himself every day. But doing nothing is not gadgets or even TV. It is when he himself looks for something to do. Maybe read a book, maybe play Lego, maybe go for a walk outside... Allowing him to watch videos on the Internet should be allowed for an hour and a half on weekdays and no more than four hours on weekends. You can interest him by personal example. Start doing sports with your child, and do not wait for him for two hours in the locker room until the lesson is over. Once at a lecture in London, a man asked such a funny question: "My son has started doing poorly at school, and I have a private plane, and now I am wondering whether to take him with me or let him fly with everyone else on a scheduled flight?" So, children should live the lifestyle of their parents, use what belongs to the family, and if adults have nothing to eat, then the children have nothing to eat - this is the main thing.