How it all began
Alexandra GalliamovaPhoto:personal archive of Alexandra GalliamovaIt all started, like many businesses in the field of goods for children, on maternity leave. At that time, I had just started introducing vegetables into the diet of my little daughter. Then I peeled, cut and froze vegetables and berries from my own beds, then cooked puree from them, made fruit drinks ... I almost never bought canned baby food. I only used my own supplies. But when they ran out (unfortunately, they were not enough for the whole year), I tried to find frozen ones on the Internet that would be intended for children, met quality requirements, did not contain GMOs, etc. But I did not find anything like that. At that moment, I thought that it would be great to open my own production of high-quality products for babies and the whole family. I even came up with the idea of the brand name - "Smart Mom", because only smart moms who read a lot and know a lot will appreciate such a product. The idea came to me, but I put it aside, it seemed incredible to me on maternity leave. However, later, having participated in the project on writing business plans "otkroidelo.rf", I dared to put my idea on paper. And, oddly enough, it became clear to me and moved from the ephemeral to the completely real. I had no experience in food production. So before starting the business, I had to study a lot, learn everything from the basics. But it was incredibly interesting. When a person is burning with an idea, learning is not only useful, but also very exciting. I got down to business: I looked for suppliers, equipment, a place of production... And a year later I opened a production of frozen food for children and the whole family "Smart Mom".
About the brand "Smart Mother"
1/3Photo: "Smart Mom"Photo: "Smart Mom"Photo:"Smart Mom"The products are designed to become an alternative to ready-made canned baby food. Our mission is to change the approach to children's nutrition. We want to show mothers that you can cook for your child yourself. It does not take much time and does not take much effort. Every mother can prepare natural, fresh puree for her child with her own hands in just 10 minutes and three steps. This is about the same as heating up ready-made puree in hot water. Only here the puree is freshly prepared. The simplest recipe for preparing the product: Step 1. Put the vegetables in a steamer. Step 2. Cook for 10-20 minutes, depending on the product and the power of the equipment. Step 3. Grind with a regular household blender. That's it, after these simple steps, natural vegetable puree will be ready. There is no need to wash, peel, pit, etc. vegetables. In addition, if your child does not like the taste of a vegetable, you can easily cook it for yourself. Frozen products (vegetables, berries) "Smart Mom" are only frozen. They are not boiled or fried in our production. And shock freezing, as you know, preserves up to 90% of the nutrients in the product. In addition, frozen vegetables are cooked much faster than fresh ones! Another important factor is the "defrost indicator", that is, a piece of paper that shows whether the product has been defrosted. The mechanism is simple: when defrosting, the indicator shows the juice of the defrosted product, and as a result, each buyer can be sure of the quality of vegetables or berries even before buying, simply by checking the indicator. Now we receive a lot of grateful feedback from mothers who want to cook food for their children themselves. After all, freshly prepared products are much tastier than those that have been reheated!