The little prince and princess carried an important mission - they had to fulfill the role of pages that scatter flowers before the bride's passage. Kate was very worried about the behavior of the kids.Kate Middleton with the kids photoA photo: Getty Images Just before the wedding, Kate and the kids went through several rehearsals, but before entering the church she had to ask the children to be quiet and even boo them! However, this did not affect the mood of the children. The expression of their faces made it clear that they were insanely happy. The charming little Princess Charlotte looked like a real angel: a delicate dress of light pink color, a basket with petals, and a flower wreath adorned with a lovely head - well, what's not touching! And the young prince behaved as befits a royal person: it is obvious that the boy does not shun the cameras and journalists at all, and even on the contrary, he is very friendly and politely welcomes not only the guests, but also the photographers! The guests did not cease to be moved by the small participants of the ceremony, but photographers even forgot for a few minutes about the main star of the holiday - the bride Pippa Middleton. Children have coped well with their task, even despite so much attention. Aunt Pippu was given in marriage!

