Not so long ago, the couple reported: 27-year-old Rita is pregnant. Family replenishments for young parents are expected in the autumn. Meanwhile, the singer chronicles pregnancy: every week she publishes in her Instagram photos of the tummy, which once again becomes more and more noticeable. And shares his impressions and lifhakami. At the 22nd week, Rita told her about her travel rules: "Firstly, it is possible. (At once I will specify, I speak only about myself, my posts are not applicable to other pregnant girls, or, God forbid, to girls with contraindications and health problems.) So, I have no contraindications to flights, and I am allowed to fly, where I want and how much will fit in ", - the future mum writes.A photo: @ ritadakotaFor those 20 weeks that Rita is in position, she and her husband managed to visit Singapore, New York, the Maldives, and now they are basking in Montenegro. By the way, it was worth Rita "declassify", as she had a "guru" appeared in the comments, which explain what she can and can not do. "Pregnant women should not swim!" - for example, such a recommendation can be found under the photo where Rita splashes in the sea. It is unlikely, of course, she will listen to Internet doctors, because the girl has quite real doctors. "Lord, people, what are you carrying ?!" - she naturally naturally surprises, reading the responses. "Secondly. I'm not sunbathing. Absolutely. At all. Lying in the shadows and SPF 50+, on the face stick 50+. The doctor did not forbid sunbathing, it's just that my skin is very fastidious. In my case, alas, either sunburn, or youth and tone. Who does not have problems with this - sunbathe, if the doctor did not forbid, "- continues Rita. It turns out that not to be quite so white, the girl goes to the beauty salon - behind the auto tan.Photo: @ritadakota "Thirdly. Compression knee socks in flight. Yes, yes, like grandmothers. My legs really swell after the flight, even before pregnancy. That's why I bought thin cool, inconspicuous golfs and fly in them, "according to Rita, such golfs are almost invisible, and legs are much easier." "Well, I do not eat airplane food either," the future mother formulated the fourth rule. As it turned out, one of the girlfriends of the girl is engaged in deliveries of food for air carriers. And there is something that feed passengers, strongly advised. "And I have a certificate of pregnancy. Just in case. To ensure that the inspection frames do not pass. The rest seems to be the same as before pregnancy, "Rita added.In addition, the girl takes a first-aid kit for her, which the doctor has collected for her." I do not really know what is there, because she forbade me to watch and even read the instructions. He says: "You definitely will not need this, but promise that on all trips it will be with you." I keep the promise, but I do not even look inward, "Rita laughs.

