Causes of Toxicosis in Early Pregnancy
Loss of strength, nausea and vomiting are commonsymptoms that torment a woman in an interesting position. Most often, unpleasant sensations begin in the period from the 4th to the 6th week of pregnancy and bother the expectant mother in the morning. Not only morning sickness is considered normal, but also the manifestation of toxicosis 2-3 times during the day. If attacks occur more often and are accompanied by debilitating vomiting, you should immediately contact your doctor.Toxicosis during pregnancy is due tobody restructuring Photo: Getty In addition to the reaction to smells and nausea, there are other forms of manifestation of toxicosis: benign jaundice, eczema, itching and insomnia. In these cases, a special treatment is prescribed, and the woman should be under the constant supervision of a doctor. It is believed that the following factors trigger the toxicity during pregnancy:
- Hormonal imbalance. Unpleasant symptoms go away after the level of hormones stabilizes, and the body of the future mother adapts to the appearance of the embryo.
- The reaction of immunity. The immune system of a woman can reject foreign tissue in the early stages, which causes toxemia in pregnancy only increases.
- Natural protection. The mother's body naturally protects the baby from the negative influence of bad habits and malnutrition, as well as the possible poisoning with toxic substances.
- Stress. Constant experiences, lack of sleep and irritability can disrupt the digestive system and provoke strong toxicosis.
- Chronic diseases. Not cured diseases, weakening immunity, is one of the causes of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.
- Age and number of pregnancies. Weakness and nausea often appear in women after 30-35 years old, who did not give birth before and had several abortions.
- Multiple pregnancy. Toxicosis is more susceptible to mummies who wear twins, because their body experiences a double load.
Healthy women are more likely to endure pregnancy, and unlike mothers with chronic illnesses, weak immunity and bad habits, can endure the baby, without knowing what toxicosis is.
When will the toxicosis end and how to deal with it?
It is difficult to name exact dates, but in most casesIn most cases, the unpleasant symptoms stop by the 12th-13th week of pregnancy. But it also happens that they can start again with renewed vigor in the later stages. In the last trimester, swelling, heartburn and pressure drops are often added to weakness and indigestion. It is not difficult to understand why toxicosis occurs during pregnancy, but its manifestations in the later stages can pose a serious threat to the fetus. Frequent bouts of vomiting, dizziness and sudden pressure surges are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. To make it easier to endure this unpleasant condition, follow these recommendations:
- Supply system. Exclude from the diet fried, fatty, spicy and other foods that irritate the stomach. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
- Abundant drink. Drink natural juices, compotes, herbal tea, vegetable broths and water with lemon.
- Mode. Eat light meals and do not go to bed immediately after a meal, for assimilation of food you need at least 2-3 hours.
- Sour taste. Keep with you sour candies, apples or lemons, helping to get rid of nausea.
- Honey for prevention. Eat 1 tsp. honey on an empty stomach, it will support the digestive system and immunity in general.
- Morning snack. When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed, and always keep crackers, nuts, dried apricots or other dried fruits on the sleeping table.
- Walking. Spend more time in the open air, away from highways, avoid smoking areas and rooms with sharp odors.
- Aromatherapy. Use peppermint essential oil to flavor the bedroom, pillow or handkerchief. 2-3 drops of ether soothe the stomach and eliminate nausea. Use other oils: anise, jasmine or citrus.
- Water procedures. Swimming in the pool or in open water, as well as contrast showers help cope with attacks of toxicosis and even completely get rid of them.
- Vitamins. Consult with the doctor and drink vitamin-mineral course to maintain immunity.
There are other ways to combat toxemia -phyto-therapy, homeopathy, immunocytotherapy, physiotherapy and even hypnosis, but the decision about their use should be made by the treating doctor. After explaining why there is toxicosis in pregnancy, it is important to keep the emotional balance and observe all the doctor's recommendations. A careful attitude to one's own health, getting rid of bad habits and control of nutrition - that's what will help to transfer the difficult period of the child's expectation more easily.