Thrombophilia during pregnancy: consequences of the disease

Blood pathology can be genetic andacquired. Hereditary thrombophilia and pregnancy are two practically incompatible conditions. Most often, carrying a child ends in a spontaneous miscarriage.pregnancy with thrombophiliaPregnancy with thrombophilia is alwaysaccompanied by a risk of premature termination Photo: GettyIt is often enough diagnosed in a woman during pregnancy. This is due to a physiological increase in the coagulability of blood. It occurs as a result of the formation of a third, additional, circulatory circle in the female body - the placental. A severe miscarriage is a severe complication of thrombophilia for a pregnant woman. After all, blood clotting indices increase 5 times. The cause of miscarriage is most often placental abruption, provoked by circulatory system problems. Interruption of pregnancy can occur and almost immediately after the occurred conception, and a little later. With this, full-term pregnancy with thrombophilia is quite possible. The main condition for bearing a baby is observance of all the recommendations of a physician. The admissible term of the child's appearance is 35-36th week. Negative effect of the disease on the baby begins approximately from the 10th week of pregnancy and manifests itself in the form of hypoxia. Microtrombi begin to circulate through the vessels of the placenta. They prevent the baby from getting the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. If the woman does not receive adequate treatment, then the probability of intrauterine growth retardation or pregnancy fading is high. Pregnant women with established thrombophilia receive a regular coagulogram. Treatment is carried out with the introduction of anticoagulants. If the pregnancy is preserved, the second trimester occurs without serious complications. But with the onset of the third trimet, the risk of premature birth may appear. The prescribing physician should select and prescribe the medicines. You can use folk recipes, but you must first consult your gynecologist. Preventing the formation of thrombi should be done before conception. A woman is recommended to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, lead an active lifestyle, abandon bad habits and control her weight.

