feeding with breastfeedingNutrition when breastfeeding should be balanced Photo: Getty

What to exclude from the diet during breastfeeding

Nursing mothers are forbidden to eat:

  • products that can lead to the development of the newborn allergic manifestations: chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, mushrooms, honey, raspberries, strawberries, meat of crabs and crayfish, mackerel;
  • onions and garlic, because because of them, milk can seem to a baby specific to the taste;
  • coffee and strong tea, as they have an exciting effect on the nervous system of the child;
  • Alcoholic beverages, since they have a toxic effect;
  • products with a high content of preservatives and artificial colors;
  • grapes, rye bread and legumes, as they can cause increased gas formation in the baby;
  • canned products;
  • fatty meat and fat;
  • smoked products;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sauerkraut;
  • radish and radish.

It should be reduced to a minimum usewheat bread, pasta, semolina, milk, sugar, salt and sweet confectionery. If some of the products have an allergy in the mother, then it is also important to remove them from the diet, especially during the period when the baby was born.

Breastfeeding and nutrition: what is allowed

Despite the severe restrictions in food, there is still a lot of food that is allowed to eat the nursing mother. In her diet can be present:

  • porridge of buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn;
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables and fruits, having a white and green color;
  • low-fat meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • dry biscuits and marshmallows;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • compotes, fruit drinks and loose tea.

As soon as the baby turns 2-3 months old, a womanit may well start to eat some foods that are on the banned list. If the baby does not have allergic symptoms on them, then the mother can safely consume them for food. Breastfeeding a woman is important not only to eat properly and balanced, but also to observe a certain diet. Better eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. And be sure to drink plenty of clean water. Read also:

