Little poems about winter
Reading poetry to children broadens their horizons,increases the cultural level and enriches the vocabulary. Many poems by Soviet and modern authors have been created for four-year-old literature lovers. Introduce your child to all of them - this will only benefit his development and academic performance.Poems about winter for children 4 years old developimagination and hearingPhoto: Getty Short poems are easy to remember. After reading them a few times, your child will be able to repeat all the lines without looking at the book. Among the works recommended by teachers for memorization, we can highlight "Snowfall" by V. Berestov: "The day has come. And suddenly it got dark. The light was turned on. We look out the window. The snow falls white-white. Why is it so dark?" Try to interest your child, do not force him to learn if he does not want to. You need to achieve such a result that he himself is drawn to poetry. Answer his questions, explain what the author wanted to say, compare the picture being described with the landscape outside the window.
Which verses to choose
When looking for suitable poems for a childfocus on his age. Many works of Russian classics are perfect for the second junior group of kindergarten - Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak. Modern style will also be useful and understandable to the child - in their works, the authors touch upon children's problems and answer many questions of little inquisitives. Children's poems have a clear and harmonious rhythm, which children like, quatrains are especially easy to remember. One of their advantages is memory training. But this is not the main advantage of poetry for children:
- She expands the vocabulary, enriches it with new words and turns.
- Teachings perceive sounds and words consisting of them by ear.
- The outlook increases, the mental and cultural development of crumbs rises.
The sooner you introduce him to poetry, thehe will learn to write and read faster. You are laying the foundation for your child's good performance at school, his education and interest in art. Make it a rule to regularly read poetry, gradually making it more difficult as he grows up.