Vladimir Presnyakov with his son. Photo: @ Nataliapodolskaya As a gift for fans on September 5, when Artemia turned three months old, Natalia published a touching photo of the baby in the hands of the pope in Instagram. "My two favorite little hearts, my boys," the singer signed. The boy's face in the picture is not it is evident, nevertheless the fans of the pair noticed that Artemiy managed to grow up and even began to hold the head. Happy dad, by the way, too, has grown prettier. And the admirers of the couple are right: the photo turned out to be surprisingly gentle, and Vladimir looks like it looked younger. It should be remembered that the joyful event in the family of Natalia and Vladimir took place on June 5, the first-born of the couple was born on the fifth anniversary day weddings of their parents. Vladimir Presnyakov - the youngest was present at the birth of his wife and first took the crumb on his hands. Whoever looks like little Artemy, so far, it remains to be only guess. Natalia now and then puts in her account photos of pens, legs of the baby, but the face does not show. But she willingly demonstrates how she furnishes the nursery. Young mother clearly gravitates to blue and light tones. In the nursery there is a nominal blue-tinted crib, and on the shelves with toys there live blue plush animals.
1/2Shelves TopicsPhoto: @NataliapodolskayaChildren's Artemy PresnyakovPhoto: @Nataliapodolskaya