A photo: sotsseti Newly-minted mother Natalia Podolskaya, who gave birth to her son just one and a half months ago, has already decided to fly to Greece for vacation. The singer has chosen the luxurious five-star hotel Out of the Blue Capsis Elite Resort on the island of Crete. And, apparently, Natalia travels not alone, but together with his half-month-old son Artem. Firstly, it is possible to assume, because Podolskaya is breastfeeding her son and is unlikely to leave him to someone's care. And secondly, even the singer still rushes headlong home, afraid that her son will be hungry. The fact that little Artyom is now close to her mother on the island of Crete is also spoken by the fact that, following her photo after the beach, Podolskaya posted a picture of her beloved son legs. So you can safely congratulate Artem on his first trip in life!
A photo: sotssetiEsche one newly mamochka,, his daughter is accustomed to fashion. The singer laid out a photo of the baby Olivia, who just turned a month. In the picture, the girl is lying on a blanket, her sunglasses on her head, her little bow on her head, and on her feet are small red shoes with heels. At such a pace, the little Topuria outclasses her mother in the part of extravagant costumes!
Photo: social networks