Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did not see alreadya few months. And all this time they fought for the children: first Pitt was not going to fight for custody, but after Angie's statement that she wants to raise up to six descendants alone, an epic battle erupted. And now, it seems, finally the turning point came: the father achieved the right to see each other with their children without the constant supervision of a psychologist. And this achievement - before every appointment Brad had to pass a test for drugs and alcohol, and the specialist constantly watched the course of the meeting of the father with the children. And it's uncomfortable, agree. Moreover, now Pitt with children can meet not for two hours, but spend together all day. The children were even allowed to spend the night in their father's house.Brad Pitt with childrenA photo: GettyImages- He again began to play a significant role in the lives of children, the insider told In Touch. - All more or less calmed down, their relations are improving. Brad recently twice took the children to his bed. He hopes that by the end of February or the beginning of March he will make sure that the children spend a week with him. The source adds that three children went to visit their father: Zakhara's adopted daughter and Shilo's relatives, Knox and Vivien. But the elder adoptive sons Maddox and Pax have neglected a visit to his father. After the memorable incident on the plane, relations between Pitt and the elders remain tense, despite the fact that there are no complaints about the actor officially. "They still will not reconcile themselves," the insider said. They did not make up, but they try very hard. And Angie, and Brad, and the children go to a psychologist. Their goal is to be able to finally curb their feelings. Now they are not even in the same room all together, so as not to quarrel. And when the parents learn how to cope with their anger, then their custodial war will end. "Brad and Angie should again create a healthy relationship that will allow them to re-educate their children," they say, surrounded by a broken pair.

