Photo: Instagram @pink “Suprise!"- so signed the photo of Pink, which depicted Willow, a five-year-old daughter. Judging by the singer's already noticeably rounded belly, the "surprise" is clearly not a few days. In May, Pink, in an interview, hinted that she did not mind if the size of her family (the singer is married to professional motocross racer Carey Hart) increases, but she only shared the good news.
A photo: Getty Images “I like being a mom,” she used to say in an interview. - I made my choice a long time ago: my number one goal in life is family. Now I have a feeling that I am a mother of two children. Carey is a great husband, but sometimes she behaves like another child. ”
Photo: Getty Images37-year-old Pink and 41-year-old Carey got married in 2006 after 5 years of relationship, on June 2, 2011, their daughter Willow was born.