Near the restaurant "Chalet Berezka" tonightit is crowded: the lacquered sides of expensive cars sparkle in the light of lanterns, and cheerful music rushes from the restaurant. And not just some Verka Serduchka, no. The songs are funny and perky. Because for children. In a restaurant on Rublevka today, Philip Kirkorov celebrates the birthday of his daughter, Alla Victoria. "We celebrate the first anniversary of the youngest generation of our family - the fifth anniversary of my beloved daughter Alla Victoria," the king of the pop scene shared with subscribers a joyful event. Dec 1, 2016 at 9:18 am PST The little birthday girl was treated like the crown princess. However, who else should the daughter of the king of the national stage be? The girl was given a ride on a fairy-tale cat; the children's ballet Todes danced for her. The cake for Alla-Victoria was made by the most famous confectioner of the country, Renat Agazamov. It turned out not a cake - a masterpiece in the form of a puppet castle. It's even a pity to cut this! But they did not regret it - the first piece, as expected, went to the hero of the occasion - from the hands of the Pope. Dec 1, 2016 at 9:42 am PST The kids were having a lot of fun - it’s not every day you can stay up late, dance with your favorite fairytale characters, frolic on a trampoline, blow up firecrackers and flounder in the mountains of colorful confetti. Moreover, you don't have to go to bed - the time is not childish, and the end-edge of the fun is not in sight. However, Alla-Victoria and her brother Martin lead a life in luxury style from birth. So they are no strangers. Dec 1, 2016 at 10:31 am PST By the way, despite some troubles that have followed him lately - we mean the scandal with the French composer Marouani, who, - Philip himself was cheerful and cheerful. He laughed, hugged his daughter, joked with the guests. Or maybe he even sang. But this is not exactly known. Dec 1 2016 at 10:30 PST Speaking of the guests. There were a lot of stars among those invited to the children's party, as you might guess. Yana Rudkovskaya, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, the businesswoman Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Stas Mikhailov Inna, along with the children, were lit up, Angelica Agurbash pleased with the presence. In addition, Igor Gulyaev, a famous designer and TV presenter, and actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya were seen among the guests. Photo published by ANGELICA Agurbash (@angelicaagurbash) Dec 1, 2016 at 10:40 am PST Recall, Philip Kirkorov, when he was 44 years old - in 2011. His daughter Alla-Victoria was born in Miami. The girl first came to Russia when she was three months old.

