Pancreatitis in pregnancy: two types of disease

Pancreatitis during pregnancy is rare,According to statistics, 1 in 10 thousand people suffer from this disease. In most cases, this disease is caused by a reaction to medications, trauma to the pancreatic duct, and the formation of stones in the bile duct.How pancreatitis occurs during pregnancyHow does pancreatitis occur in pregnancy? Photo: Getty There are two types of the course of this disease:

  • Acute is rarely found, but carries a serious threat to the health of the future baby and mother.
  • Chronic - is detected in the first 12 weeks, symptomatically similar to toxicosis.
  • As a rule, women learn about the disease when they are already pregnant. Since their immunity is suppressed, all hidden diseases can become active. Pancreatitis is no exception.

    Pancreatitis and pregnancy

    Pancreatitis during pregnancy, dependingdepending on its type, it is treated differently. In order to distinguish the form of the disease, you should know about its symptoms. In the acute type, the following signs appear:

    • severe pain in the upper abdomen;
    • backache;
    • rapid temperature increase;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • bloating;
    • a decrease in blood pressure;
    • general malaise.

    The chronic form has a number of the following symptoms:

    • severity after eating;
    • flatulence;
    • frequent loose or oily stools;
    • dry lips and swelling of the eyelids;
    • attacks of pain in the abdomen;
    • frequent nausea and vomiting;
    • a sweet taste in the mouth and an unpleasant smell.

    If any of the symptoms are detected, you should immediately go through a medical examination.

    Treatment of pancreatitis in pregnant women

    It is believed that pregnancy with chronicpancreatitis is quite mild, but in the first trimester there is a high risk of its interruption. With timely and correct treatment methods in most cases, about 85%, it is possible to bear a healthy child. All methods of treating pancreatitis are aimed at eliminating its painful symptoms and stabilizing the patient's psychoemotional state, after which the woman's body is subjected to powerful anti-infective therapy. To reduce the risk of suppuration, treatment is often carried out with antibiotics, after which patients take homeopathic drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora and improve immunity. Childbirth is carried out naturally, and only if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or the life of the mother, a cesarean section can be prescribed or premature labor can be induced with medication.

