The temperature at the otitis in a child can rise to high levels Photo: Getty
Causes of Ear Inflammation
A common runny nose can trigger otitis.The child, not knowing how to blow his nose, drives the resulting mucus into the ear tube. As a result, swelling and painful sensations are formed. A cold is not the only factor that can cause inflammation of the middle and inner ear. Pathology can occur as a complication after an infection, inflammation of the tooth root, etc.
Species of otitis
Doctors distinguish three types of otitis. These are:
- outer;
- average;
- interior.
For external otitis typical inflammation,formed outside the ear. The cause is injury to the auricle. After infection, the wound develops puffiness, covering the auditory canal. The kid becomes restless, refuses to eat. At it the temperature of a body rises. At development of an external inflammation to the child drops and ointments containing antibiotics are appointed. Duration of disease - 5-7 days. At the average otitis the inflammation grasps an average part of an ear. It is this type of pathology that is diagnosed in most cases. Most often, the disease becomes a secondary complication of a cold. The disease lasts approximately 2 weeks. In addition to soreness, the child may develop a disorder of stool and vomiting. In this case, the temperature can rise to serious indicators - 38 ... 39 degrees. The treatment is to take antibiotics and instill in the nose of vasoconstrictor drops. If the child has a pus, then the antibiotic course is prescribed in pricks. The otitis of the inner ear develops as a result of incorrectly selected therapy inflammation of the middle ear. Signs of the disease are:
- severe pain;
- noise in ears;
- vomiting, nausea;
- violation of coordination of movement.
High temperature with otitis in children developsas a result of infection and can rise to significant levels. In many cases, it is an indication for hospitalizing a child and prescribing antibacterial therapy. Doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature if it does not exceed 38 degrees. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to fight the disease on its own. It is also useful to know: