Why does the child cry all the time?

Adult children roll up a hysterics if they arepainful, uncomfortable or they want something. In order not to wonder how to calm a child, if he cries from harm, it is necessary to educate him in time and not to indulge every whim. In the first case, you can only save it from a source of discomfort or distract.how to calm a child when he criesTo calm a crying child, take iton the hands Photo: Getty For children who are not yet able to talk, crying is a kind of speech, especially for babies. So they communicate with their parents, they make it clear that they need their help. Why can babies cry:

  • he wants to eat;
  • full of diapers or wet sliders;
  • it's cold or hot;
  • suffers from gazik, which can lead to colic;
  • wants to sleep;
  • needs a mother;
  • reacts to weather changes;
  • sick.

Over time, moms begin to understand the types of crying of the baby and immediately understand what the child requires. In 80% of the cases, the cause is hunger.

How to calm a crying child

React to the crying of the child should be immediately. Immediately determine the possible cause of tears and eliminate it:

  • feed the baby, offer a pacifier;
  • check the diaper;
  • take it in your arms;
  • shake in the lullaby;
  • sing a song;
  • distract the toy;
  • put in a child's swing.

Sometimes it helps to change hands. If you are worried about crying, feelings are passed on to the baby. Give it to your dad, grandmother or nanny. It is more difficult to calm the baby, if it has intestinal colic. They arise because of excessive gassing and independently pass to 3-4 months of life. If the baby cries without reason for 3 hours a day, does not want to eat, most likely, he has colic. Relieve the suffering of the child can massage. Gently stroke his tummy clockwise, bend the legs in the knees to release the gases. Doing such a massage is recommended before each feeding. Wear the baby in his arms, pressing to him, sing songs or hisses, such sounds soothe him. If nothing works, contact your pediatrician. Tears of a baby is an attempt to inform parents that he needs something or is uncomfortable with him. Do not ignore the baby, wear it on your hands, eliminate all possible causes of crying and be sure to see a doctor if you can not calm yourself down on your own to exclude possible diseases. Also interesting:

