What is allowed after measles, rubella, mumps and hepatitis vaccinations

Any vaccination is done toThe body has developed immunity to a specific infectious disease. A vaccine is injected into the child, containing a small, harmless amount of weakened bacteria or viruses, causing a protective reaction of the body and the ability to fight. As a result, the likelihood of such a disease for some time is excluded.when you can bathe a baby after vaccinationHepatitis vaccine is usually easily tolerated.body and does not cause complications Photo: Getty After vaccination, the body is weakened, because in it there is a fight against infection. At this time, you need to protect the child from hypothermia and possible infection. Doctors do not recommend bathing in order to avoid catching a cold and not introducing pathogenic microorganisms contained in water into a wound and going for walks. It is justified, if in the first days the state of health worsens, the body temperature rises, the throat starts to ache. But in the case when negative signs are not observed, the child behaves normally, hygienic procedures will not harm. At the same time, the nature of the vaccination should be taken into account. The comprehensive vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella is slow and can cause a reaction 1–2 weeks after injection. Therefore, immediately after the introduction of the baby during normal health is allowed to take a bath, restrictions are possible in a few days. Injection from hepatitis B is usually tolerated easily by the body, does not cause a rise in temperature and does not impose a ban on swimming and walking.

Do I need restrictions after DTP and BCG

Some vaccines act quickly and cause malaise. In order not to harm health, you need to take into account the features of such vaccinations:

  • Vaccine adsorbedPertussis-diphtheria-tetanus. The temperature often rises in the first day, but then normalizes. After the injection, it is better to wait 1-2 days with walks and bathing, carefully monitor the child's well-being, and if necessary, give antipyretic drugs.
  • BCG vaccination. It is usually done a few days after birth. On the first day of the child do not bathe, and then there are no restrictions.

The wound after the injection is small and heals quickly. It's not scary if water gets on it, the main thing is not to rub this place with a washcloth or comb it. Inoculating, consult a pediatrician and monitor the behavior of the child. Under normal body temperature, bathing is not dangerous for him, it is only important not to overcool it and to take precautions.

