It is important to know how to defrost breast milk,to preserve its nutritional valuePhoto: Getty Freezing of expressed milk is recognized by experts as the best way to store. Placed in the freezer in a special container, it does not lose consumer properties within two weeks. Experts advise every mother to take care of the minimum "strategic reserve" in case you have to leave to work, if the milk suddenly disappears or the doctor prescribes medications that are incompatible with feeding.
How to store frozen breast milk
Defrost only the portion that your baby needs.can be consumed at one time. Re-freezing of the product is unacceptable. Use an “older” product so that the shelf life of your stock does not expire. To determine the “age” of the preparations, stick stickers with the date of expression on the containers. Use special containers for storing the product, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. If you have adapted another container for these purposes, make sure that the material from which it is made does not contain bisphenol-A. Mix different portions of milk only if it was expressed on the same day.
How to defrost breast milk
Method 1.Place the container in a bowl with cool water. The liquid should cover it completely. When the ice starts to melt, replace the water with another one, already at room temperature. So increase the temperature until the milk is completely defrosted. Method 2. How to properly defrost breast milk for morning feeding: take the product out of the freezer in the evening and put it in the refrigerator. The ice will melt overnight and the milk will be ready for use. The defrosted product often changes its color. It can acquire a pinkish, yellowish or greenish tint. There is nothing to worry about: the reason is the peculiarities of the woman's diet during the pumping period. Another important change compared to fresh milk is the appearance of a specific "soapy" smell. This is explained by the presence of a special enzyme in its composition - lipase. Most often, children do not react to such an aroma, but it is possible that the baby will refuse to consume the defrosted product. In this case, you can heat the liquid in a water bath until the first bubbles appear. The smell will disappear, but many of the beneficial properties will also disappear along with it. Read also: