skin on the hands of a childWhy does the skin on the hands of a child go around? Photo: Getty

Climb the child's hands: the reasons

skin can be itchy,the appearance of small vesicles, but may also be asymptomatic. To understand why this happened, you need to remember how the child felt in the last days, what he ate and what he did. First of all, you need to find the cause. What could it be:

  • Most often this condition is causedallergic reaction. She can be on food: eggs, strawberries, honey or citrus fruits. But a more common cause of flaking skin is the wrong choice of cosmetics and washing powders.
  • Quite often, the child's hands will go around because of beriberi. Especially the condition of the skin affects the lack of vitamins A and E.
  • More dangerous causes of peeling are infectious diseases, such as lichen, scabies or fungus. You can find them after examination by a doctor.
  • In young children, the skin may react toadverse external factors. If it is exposed to dry air in the room, frost and wind outside, sometimes the child’s hands will be broken.
  • Common cause of this condition in babiesis scarlet fever. This infectious disease can be almost asymptomatic and resemble a sore throat. But after recovery, it begins to peel off and skin on the hands and feet.
  • If you yourself can not pinpoint the cause, contact your pediatrician. However, a visit to the krach will not interfere in any way.

    What to do if the skin on the hands of a child

    If parents notice this condition of the skin onin the hands of the baby, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and be examined. Without finding out the cause and eliminating it, no treatment will work. The skin will get harder and harder, and this can lead to complications. Fungal diseases, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and strong vitamin deficiency should be treated with special drugs. If the doctor did not find the cause of the peeling of the skin, you can help the child yourself.

    • Change all cosmetics with which baby’s skin contacts. You need to choose such that they do not contain dyes, flavors and other chemicals.
    • To establish proper nutrition of the baby. Include in his diet more foods containing vitamins A, C, D and E.
    • Protect the hands of the child from wind and frost. And in the room to deal with dry air.
    • To restore the baby’s skin, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with special creams: Boro Plus, Bepanten, Radevit, or an oil solution of vitamins A and E.

    Any means listed above must be applied.after consulting a doctor, do not forget about it. After all, it is about the health of the child. When the skin on the hands of a child is covered, it indicates serious violations in the state of his health. Therefore, it is necessary to be more attentive to its state and not to let the process take its course. Read also:

