When milk comes from first-timers
Notice the formation of colostrum - secretionmammary glands, many women can even in the last months of pregnancy. But for first-time mothers, as a rule, it appears on the 3-6 day after the birth of the baby. The body of women who already have children is rebuilt much faster. And their lactation begins on the 2-4 day. Gradually, real milk begins to form in the mother's breast. This process is completed by the 6-9 day after birth.Often milk does not come after childbirth duestress.Photo: Getty Do not panic and worry much if the colostrum does not appear on the first day after birth. After all, each woman's lactation occurs individually. And those few drops that a baby gets with attachment to the breast are enough to get enough. After all, the stomach of the newborn is still small, and colostrum is very nutritious and quickly absorbed by the body of the baby.
What to do to get milk coming in
Inexperienced mothers make a mistake and startfeed the baby according to the schedule. In fact, it is worth putting the baby to the breast on demand - this will significantly improve lactation. The baby will "dissolve" the breast, which will lead to the formation of new milk. To increase the flow of milk, follow these recommendations:
- Avoid stress and worries.
- Use at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily.
- Balance your diet.
- Massage your breasts to avoid stagnant milk and hardening.
- Feed the baby in a comfortable position.
- Make sure the baby completely captures the nipple with his mouth.
- Try to get enough sleep and rest more often.
- Do not feed the baby without a doctor's prescription.
- Avoid crowded places.
Herbal teas with will help to increase lactationfennel, dill, anise or caraway. These medicinal herbs have a great effect on the immunity of the mother and child. But before taking such remedies, you should consult a doctor. Like any physiological process, lactation occurs differently for each woman. And some mothers feel a rush of milk already on the first day, while others will have to wait a week or even more. Therefore, do not panic over the slightest delay, because stress is detrimental to the lactation process.