For each parent, the child is the most beautiful andthe best in the world. His growing up occurs every minute - and only pictures can remind relatives, what was the kid, only having been born. It's good that today there are real wizards - people who can photograph newborns are so beautiful and touching. During these Christmas days we asked the best Kazan photographers in the style of newborn to share their works (of course, with the consent of the parents of the kids). Enjoy! Merry Christmas! Our photo project is supported by the following companies: the Chicco children's store and the children's department of neurology and reflexology Reacenter.
Photographer Albina Yamilova
Photo: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaPhoto: Albina YamilovaA photo: Albina YAmilova How to come to this kind of photography: "The first days of a baby's life - this is an amazing time. Long-term preparation of cribs, strollers, outfits will not equal the emotions that give us the appearance of a beloved child. Years pass, and you can hardly remember how your baby was in the first days of his life. Just imagine the first 2-3 weeks. I am very glad that I can help to save these moments with the help of photography. Back at school, I took a long time to admire the postcards with pictures of the little ones of the famous photographer Anne Geddes, apparently, then I had a great desire to be able to do the same. Having tried myself in different professions, I still came to children's photography, namely photographs in the style of newborn. Having passed special training with leading photographers of the country, I became a professional photographer for newborn babies. "What is special about working with kids:" Unlike all other types of shooting, work with newborns, in addition to knowledge in photography, requires additional skills and features in terms of physiology, because any incorrect movement can discomfort the baby, and, God forbid, lead to trauma. Therefore, before starting such surveys, in spite of the fact that by that time I already had my own parental experience, I studied a lot of literature on the physiology of babies and consulted with doctors. Another great feature of such filming is the great patience and calmness, both from the photographer and from the parents, because the result is quite dependent on the mood and behavior of all people involved in the shooting process. "How to calm a crying baby:" If someone will start to get nervous, then the baby will not sleep well, because the children feel the mood of the people around them perfectly, and if the baby is full, dry and next to her beloved quiet mother, then the shooting will pass unnoticed for everyone. "Photo: personal archive