Blood type and pregnancy: which group will go to the child

At first, the fetus has all blood types. They are presented in different percentages. If the spouses have the same blood type, the child will inherit their blood type.blood group during pregnancyNegative blood group during pregnancy cancause conflict between mother and fetusPhoto: GettyThe exception is only 2% of newborns who have a different group than the parent. The baby will be healthier and less prone to illness if the husband has a higher blood group than his wife. For example, a woman is I, and a man is any other. At different indicators of parents, a child can have any group. Doctors give only 25% guarantee that it will coincide with the maternal or paternal. Although according to statistics, in most cases, the baby gets the parent group.

Incompatibility of parents by blood group

Blood type is important during pregnancymeaning. Blood of different groups has biochemical features, which are caused by the structure of proteins. If the parents have different groups, then their incompatibility may occur. 25% of pregnant women face this problem. Doctors consider the IV female blood group to be the most favorable, since it is compatible with any male group. No complications arise even when the father has the I blood group. In other cases, the situation looks like this:

  • Mom first group. Ideally, the future dad should be the same. The most risky blood group, the most likely immunological conflict with group IV. But it is possible both from II and III.
  • The second. Compatible with I and II. Problems may arise from III and IV.
  • Third. Well, if the spouse I or III group. But II and IV can cause conflict.

The sooner a woman registers, the greater the chance of preventing pathology. Observance of all recommendations of the doctor will lead to favorable childbirth.

What is dangerous negative blood group during pregnancy?

We shouldn't forget about the Rh factor.This is the name of the surface protein found on red blood cells. However, not everyone has it, 25% of people do not have it. It is believed that they have a negative indicator. The danger to the development and life of the fetus may arise if a woman has negative blood and the unborn child has positive blood. In case of a Rh conflict, the body of the expectant mother begins to produce antibodies that perceive the child's blood as foreign. Red blood cells are destroyed. This provokes the destruction of hemoglobin, resulting in the formation of a toxic substance - bilirubin. The first pregnancy with a negative blood group is less dangerous, since the mother's body has not yet produced antibodies. The second is very concerning. The death of red blood cells can lead to hypoxia, hemolytic disease, which manifests itself as jaundice in newborns, anemia in the first year of life. A high concentration of bilirubin causes encephalopathy. It is characterized by retarded mental development, speech impairment, and movement coordination. In such cases, a woman should have venous blood tested. Up to the 32nd week, this should be done every month, up to the 35th week - twice a month, and then - weekly. Only then will a gynecologist be able to analyze the concentration of antibodies and notice "blood feud" at an early stage. The situation can be corrected with the help of special drugs and preventive vaccination. If the child is born with the disease, then he is prescribed phototherapy - a procedure that reduces the amount of bilirubin. In extreme cases, the baby is given a blood transfusion.

