Music for preschool children

Scientific research has shown that a child inthe womb is able to distinguish the voices of parents and music. The fruit reacts differently to the sounds of the waltz and the march. The first music that the baby hears is a tender lullaby. After it there are rattles.musical development of childrenThe musical development of children brings upharmonious personality Photo: GettyThe abundance of children's goods allows you to pick up a melodic rattle. It is necessary to avoid rattles and rustling sounds, stop on models with different sound. A little later you can buy a xylophone and a children's harp. To familiarize the child with musical works you need small portions. For each age are allowed their own time intervals for listening to music:

  • At the age of 1 year, the baby can listen to music 2-3 minutes, if you divide the activity into several intervals of 20-30 seconds. The break between "music reception" 1-3 s.
  • At the age of 2 years, the session can last 2-3 minutes, but the intervals for continuous listening are already 40 seconds.
  • At 3 years - the total time of classes - 4-5 minutes, with continuous sounding 1-1,5 minutes.

The repertoire needs to be correlated with the children's age. In the first year it is: lullabies and Russian folk songs. From the classics - minuets Mozarta.Tlya 2-3 years you need to select children's songs about animals and birds, cartoon characters: "In the grass sat a grasshopper" or "Dance of ducklings." You can take melodies from the repertoire of the kindergarten.

Development of rhythmic abilities

Conducting music lessons, connect the baby toperformance. To do this, you will need children's musical instruments. Start from the drum, but without the chopsticks, to avoid injury. Show the baby how you can extract sounds from the instrument:

  • Give him a drum and tap it with his hand.
  • Give the child himself to bang.
  • Performing the same song, teach your child to hit the instrument in the same place.
  • Highlight the strong parts of the work by hitting the drum.
  • The next instrument is a tambourine. Complicate the task, using the bangs and bells. With the kids, you can begin classes, beating off the beat with your foot or clapping your hands. All this should be accompanied by the words: "pop-bang", "top-top". Let the bunny stamp a foot in the song, and the cat claps its hands. Conducting music lessons, do not limit yourself only to children's repertoire, let's listen to the child classical compositions. Do exercises in a dosed way, not fatiguing kids.

