How much should I drink to my baby

Clean water is necessary for the child's body,regardless, how many juices, compotes, liquid food it consumes. But to force a child to drink through strength is not recommended. Excess fluid can lead to edema, malnutrition and kidney problems.the child drinks littleThe child needs to be constantly given water to drink. Photo: Getty There are approximate norms, how much the child should drink water, but blindly it should not be followed. The need for a liquid depends on the body, health, activity and ambient temperature. Average rate:

  • Newborn children can not be given water;
  • from 1 to 6 months. breastfeeding can not be doped; but if very hot or so the doctor appointed, then give 50 ml per day;
  • on artificial feeding, after the introduction of complementary foods and after 6 months. - 70-100 ml;
  • from 1 to 3 years - 100-300 ml;
  • after 3 years - 500 ml or more.

To solder a baby you can boiled, spring orfiltered water. Or buy special children's water in pharmacies and stores. In case the child asks for more water, and everything is in order with health, there is no edema, urine is normally released, it is possible to give liquid on demand. If he uses less for his age, it is also not worth worrying, then he needs enough fluids from breast milk or food.

How to teach a child to drink water

If, after all, the child drinks little or nothing at allrefuses water, you need to try to accustom him to drinking regimen. Offer him water throughout the day. If the baby is still babe, he may not like the water temperature or lack of taste. Give him warm water from dishes that are not similar to the one in which milk or mixture is usually found. In case the baby refuses to drink, because he is accustomed to sodas and juices, dilute them with water, gradually reducing the amount of sweet drink. Involve the child with a bright mug, drawings on a glass or throw the berries at the bottom of the container. He will be interested, and he will drink some water. Pour the liquid into different containers until you find the most convenient for your baby. The main rule of the drinking regime is to offer the child more water, but not to force. Water is important for the child's body, but every child needs a different amount of fluid. Therefore, if it seems to you that the baby has little or many drinks, but at the same time looks healthy, you should not worry. Read also:

