Mira Dawson is a 36-year-old nurse from EnglishDorset. She is married, her husband, 56-year-old Jim Dawson, works as a wine merchant. The couple have two children. The younger son, Ray Li, was two years old. The eldest, Tara, is five years old. Both Worlds are breastfeeding and do not intend to stop. She does not intend to stop GW until Tara is ten years old. And then, apparently, up to the first ten without a break from the chest, Ray Ray is to grow up. Moreover, they also sleep together. That is, almost everything: Myra's husband sleeps separately. "I think it's very cool when a child remembers what it feels like when he is breastfed. Do you remember this process? And my children will be! In addition, it is very useful for health and intelligence, - assures the nurse. - In addition, there are many studies that confirm: in children who are breastfed, the level of intelligence is higher. I am sure that prolonged breastfeeding will allow my children to fully develop their potential. "Extremely long breastfeedingPhoto: @ miiradawsonThe decision of the Worlds surprises many. Yes there, all friends and relatives. "I think my decision does not concern anyone. You may be surprised, but no more, says the mother. "We sleep together, I feed the children if they want to eat at night, and in the morning we all wake up together." According to Mira, her children thanks to this approach always fell asleep, they never had to wake up at night alone, frightened, crying for hunger or fear. After all, she is always with them. Mir insists that her husband is completely enamored of her idea. But Mr. Dawson has a slightly different opinion. As he himself admitted, such a long breastfeeding of children left its imprint on his relationship with his wife. "I feel very lonely," Jim told reporters. - The world did not consult me ​​on this issue. I could either support her, or go away. "Extremely long breastfeedingA photo: @ miiradawson Especially the man oppresses a separate dream. According to Jim, he feels abandoned when his wife and children go to sleep in another room. But he would like to read to the son and daughter of a fairy tale for the night. "It turns out that because of Mira's decision, I spend less time with the children than I would like," Jim laments. At the same time, he will not press his wife anyway. His daughter - a girl is very bright, talented and developed beyond the years. And for the sake of Tara's well-being, my father is ready for anything. Well, Mira worries only about what will happen when the milk comes to an end: "Tara always feels very sad when I say that sooner or later it will happen."

