- My daughter is very calm about her fame, -says mom. - Yes, and the popularity came to her not one day, but gradually. She has been shooting for magazines for five years, advertising brands. And on the cover of Vogue also appears not for the first time. Included in the top of the most successful Russian model children. But the daughter has absolutely no star fever. What she is outside, the same inside, beautiful, kind, open, inquisitive child. She is natural, never plays on camera. And her beauty is natural, not from an excess of makeup. Perhaps that is why there is success.Anya with momPhoto: @annapavaga The girl knows that she is called the most beautiful, but she takes it calmly. But mom and dad of the young beauty are a bit shocked. Mom says that pedestrians on the street, neighbors, friends, and other parents on the playground always paid attention to the beauty of Ani. Parents often heard the words "what a beautiful child you have!" This is where it began: invitations for photo shoots, shooting, advertising. In three years, Anya was invited to a model agency, and there was no end of orders from orders. Now the young St. Petersburg model is known all over the world. She is invited to many countries to shoot in fashion magazines for various brands of children's clothing. In China, Ania Pavaga is a real star, she spent two months on the set in this country and began to learn Chinese. And I learned English in a private kindergarten.Anya with Sasha PlushenkoPhoto:@annapavaga — We never set ourselves the goal of “pushing” our daughter into the modeling business, everything happened naturally, — says her mother. — And we would never force her, she likes it herself, it’s like a game for her. She meets interesting people, children in other countries. Shooting for 4-5 hours does not tire her, everything happens in a playful way, easily. When the number of her Instagram subscribers exceeded 400 thousand, ill-wishers began to write. No one can reproach her for being unattractive, so they wrote that her parents “make money on the girl”, “satisfy their ambitions”. — We never had such ambitions, — says Ekaterina. — She only does what she wants herself, the main thing for us is that she is happy. The parents put aside the money their daughter earns. Anya, a kind child, dreams of building a shelter for homeless animals. The girl has many hobbies: she did rhythmic gymnastics, drew, and at the age of four she asked to go to ballet. “We give her the opportunity to do what she wants,” says her mother. “And when she grows up, she will decide for herself what to be.” This year, Anya went to first grade. The children at school are friendly, and during breaks they ask to take selfies with the star. “Anya likes everything at school, but she was surprised that some children are greedy, while she is ready to share everything.

