Moral and spiritual education of adolescents in the family

Transitional age is an important period of formationthe child's personality. And parents should pay more attention to the education of a teenager than a preschooler. After all, despite the seeming "adulthood" of a child can not be called an established person. And the formation of his character affects a lot of external factors, such as watching TV or playing on the computer.moral upbringing of adolescentsOn the moral education of adolescents stronglyinfluences the behavior of the parents. Photo: Getty In order for spiritual education to be instilled not by the street or the Internet, parents need to build the right relationship with the teenager. A rigid dictatorship in the upbringing of a growing man will not help, because at this age he already feels himself as a person. And any encroachment on freedom perceives "in bayonets". But playing with the child in democracy is not worth it. The teenager needs to be controlled, otherwise he will get into unpleasant situations. Therefore, it is important to find a "golden mean" in the relationship with the child. Only then will he take you both as a parent and as a companion.

How to improve family and school relationships

Children in many ways adopt the habits of parents, so for the child, you must first of all be a role model. Otherwise, your advice and prohibitions are of little use. The basic rules of education:

  • Take direct part in the life of the child. You need to know everything that disturbs and pleases him.
  • Be interested in learning success and relationships with friends. It is important for a teenager to know that he is not alone.
  • Do not criticize his hobbies or dress code. Remember that youth fashion is changing rapidly.
  • Be able to listen with your mouth closed. Do not comment on the stories of the child, if he does not ask.
  • Watch your speech. Said in "hearts" leaves a huge mark on the soul of a teenager.
  • Be patient and do not pay too much attention to the mood swings of a teenager. At this age, hormonal bursts are frequent, to which one should be treated with condescension.
  • React to the rudeness. Admissibility will not increase your authority.
  • Praise not only for success, but also for moral qualities.

To give moral upbringing to a teenagera lot of time. At an early age, the child is particularly vulnerable and susceptible to any information. And it is important that the character of the future adult is formed under the influence of parents, not streets or the Internet.

