The rules of the game in the lambs for children

Game in "Salki" is suitable for two or moreparticipants. With the help of counting, the kids choose the guide. After the signal, the guys begin to scatter in different directions. The task of the driver is to catch up with any player and touch him. After that, the entrant becomes a caught participant. The game can continue until the kids are tired.duelingPlaying the sled will help the child develop the ability of orientation in space. Photo: Getty To make the game even more interesting, you can add the following features to it:

  • Houses. Participants agree on several places on the site, where the source of entry is prohibited. For example, a sandbox. During the game, anyone can briefly run into the "house" and relax a bit.
  • Revenues. When the driver tries to catch up with the player, any of the participants runs across the road to him. In this case, you need to chase a baby who decided to help his friend out.
  • In room. Players stand in a row near the wall and after the signal run to the opposite. The driver must catch as many participants as possible.

Kids can finish the game before the game about the poses, in which they can not be caught. For example, crossed arms, squat.

Moving game in Blindfolds

This game contributes to the development of intuition, as well ashelp the kid cope with the fear of darkness. During the fun, one of the participants wears a bandage over their eyes. His task is to catch any player and name him. If the task is completed, then the baby begins to be led, which is caught. Participants often give themselves out as rustling or laughing. Such a game also has different variations:

  • Bell. With the help of the counters, select one player and hang the bell. The rest of the guys put on their eyes bandages. After the signal, everyone tries to find a participant with a bell.
  • Commander. The driver gives the command "to start-attention-march" and all the kids run up, until he yells "stop." After that the players freeze, and the guide tries to find them.
  • Round dance. Participants hold hands and lead a round dance, in the center there is a leading one who after signal shows a hand in any direction. The player to whom indicated, should publish any sound. The task of the guide is to guess the baby by voice.

Some participants for a variety of simpleclap their hands during fun. If your children prefer spending time with gadgets, then be sure to introduce them to these games. After preferring active fun, the kid will not only save himself a vision, but will develop new abilities in himself.

