Photo: provided by the organizers
Photo: provided by the organizers
Artem MalaninPhoto: provided by the organizersA website of Woman's Day was voted for the most charismatic MiniNewstream 21+. As a result of the fierce struggle, the winners were two children at once! 968 people voted for Miroslav Andreev, and 966 for Artem Malanin. The drafting committee of the Woman's Day website decided to award both boys. Young TV presenters received certificates worth 5000 rubles each in the dental clinic "Denta Lux". Also, Miroslav was given a certificate to the hairdresser "Kesha good", and Artem - a certificate for the passage of innovative fingerprint testing, based on the scientific methodology Genetic-test.
Photo: provided by the organizers
Photo: provided by the organizers
Photo: provided by the organizers
Photo: provided by the organizers
Photo: provided by the organizers
A photo: was provided by the organizersName that 32 children took part in the project "Become a Mini Leader on 21+". The site Woman's Day conducted. A new set of participants for the filming of the second season of this project has been announced. The Woman's Day site is the partner of the contest.