35-year-old Xenia Sobchak presented a 44-year-oldMaxim Vitorganu's son Plato in November last year. For teledivy, recall, this child was the first, but for the actor - the third. From his first marriage with actress Victoria Verberg, he left his 21-year-old daughter Polina and 16-year-old son Daniil. The age-old Vitorgana is embarrassed by some children, others are impressive. At the same time, the actor remained silent for a long time. And only recently in the social network TheQuestion, he frankly answered the questions of fans about his family.Photo: Vadim Tarakanov / PhotoXPress.First of all, Maxim Vitorgan joked that relations in his family are more like a parliamentary republic with bitter debates, disputes and behind-the-scenes negotiations. But he was already accustomed to the popularity of his wife, although at first he was shocked by the excessive attention to her: "I perceive the popularity of my wife Ksenia as a reality. In this case, I am not very interested in secular life ... You see, none of us - neither you nor I - can even imagine the degree of public attention to Ksenia Sobchak. The press worries every one of its sneezes, every word becomes an excuse for the whole article. And before my marriage, I simply did not realize this. Now I'm a little used and already do not pay much attention ", - the actor admitted.
Photo: thequestion.ru Answered Vitorgan and the question of late paternity: how significant is the difference in sensations when a child appears at the age of 20 and at 40.- I remember well when my oldest son Daniil was born, I was drinking the same evening with friends in a restaurant , noting this event. And this time under my puzzled looks, hints and just strong psychological pressure, I gathered my friends only after two or three weeks. Many things just lose their former meaning. And, of course, I was simultaneously more balanced and sentimental. Now I'm impressed with all these pink hearts, teddy bears. And this guy turned out to be successful - not fussy, thoughtful, charming, - said Maxim. The actor also expressed his opinion about late paternity. From his point of view, it is better to have children as late as possible. "I think it's very right to have children in adulthood. You are more ready from all points of view: your life is arranged, and you yourself are psychologically stable. Of course, there are their delights in being a young parent, but if they told me to choose: either - or, I would have opted for mature paternity. Probably, it is more correct, "he said. True, then he added that the age difference with Plato is sometimes frightening:" With the appearance of the child, you have a scale on which you clearly see how time passes. My son will be only 10 years old, and me - already 54. And when he graduates from school, I will be 60. And it scares me, "concluded Vitorgan.
Photo: Sergey Ivanov/PhotoXPress.ru