General relaxing massage for babies

Newborn babies need this massage from birth to 3 months. Touching the body stimulates the baby to independent, unbending movements.Massage with hypertoniaMassage for hypertonicity is done at homeconditionsPhoto: Getty To relieve the tone, lift the baby, holding him in the armpit area, and gently swing him in different directions. This exercise is called "Swing". You can relieve tension with the "Cradle" exercise. Place your hands under the baby's head and back, lift him up and swing him to the right and left, moving up and down.

How to massage hands and feet

If the tone is increased, it is necessary to act on the baby's limbs. Lay the baby on a flat surface and do the following:

  • To massage the upper limbs, put your handbaby on your palm and gently stroke it with the inside and back of the brush. Stroke first the inner and then the outer side of the palm. After this, allow the crumb to grasp the index finger and hold the infant by the joint. With a free hand, massage his hand, moving from hand to shoulder.
  • When massage the lower extremities, the legs should berelaxed and lie on the palm of the masseur. In this position, stroke the legs alternately from the outside and from the sides, moving from the bottom up. Massage them, in the direction from the foot to the hips, do not touch the patella. Then use the thumb cone to press the entire surface of the foot, from the toes to the heel.

The duration of these procedures is from 1 to 3minutes, and all movements should be smooth. In addition, rub the limbs in different directions, holding them in your palms. Shaking the limbs will also be useful. To do this, put your thumbs in the child's fists, and hold him by the joints with the rest. Smoothly spread your arms to the sides, shake them slightly, and then stroke them. With severe hypertonicity, there may be problems with performing the massage, then give up the exercises for a while.

Technique for other muscles

Massage for newborns isstroking different parts of the body. Stroking with the palm from the neck to the buttocks and back with the back of the hand will help relieve tension in the back. The stomach should be stroked clockwise, from top to bottom. The chest is stroked from the center to the sides, along the intercostal spaces. Do not make sudden movements, the baby should feel comfortable.

Actions with residual hypertension in the child

Increased tone in young children cancontinue after 3 months. Then, along with the usual procedures, stroke the baby's buttocks, holding him by the shins. At 4 months, use a spiral massage on the outer part of the shoulder, and also act on the shin, moving from the foot to the hips. Periodically lift the child's straightened legs, holding them in the calf area. After 5 months, rub the legs in the direction from the shin to the knees and hips. Bend and unbend the legs at the joints as if the baby were pedaling a bicycle.Relaxing massageRelaxing massage can not be done beforeand immediately after it. Photo: Getty In half a year, along with all the procedures, stretch your arms, forearms and shoulders. Massage your legs, buttocks, back, when the baby lies on his stomach. Slightly tap the area between the ribs, moving away from the spine. If the body and limbs of the crumb remain tense after six months, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a survey. Keep track of the baby's condition from the first days of his life, help him adapt to new conditions.

