On July 2, the second child appeared in the USAleading. Marina with the baby (sex and name Kim keeps a secret) and two-year-old daughter Briana held all summer in the States, and in the autumn she returned to the capital and the air.Marina at the Elle Decoration AwardPhoto: Elle Decoration To start working again as usual, Marina had to hire a number of assistants: "My maternity leave officially ended on October 9," Marina Woman's Day told. - I will broadcast on the same schedule as my colleagues, without any discounts and indulgences, and I think that this is correct. With the children help grandmother and a full house of tutors. I had to hire not only a second nanny, but also a change to her, so that next to the kids there was always someone. I start and finish my every day with scheduling for myself and helpers. In principle, I adjusted my home life so that I can afford to even leave for a day and calmly leave the children with their caregivers. Questions on the purchase of necessary things and products I decide on the phone, and so far everything is working out. "
Marina with her eldest daughter BrianaPhoto:@marina_kim_tvHow does the presenter combine broadcasts and breastfeeding? Young mothers will probably ask themselves this question. “I transferred my youngest child from breastfeeding to formula two weeks after giving birth, because I had a not very successful experience in this regard with Briana,” Marina shared with Woman`s Day. “While I was breastfeeding her, she did not sleep at all, she could stay awake for 5-7 hours. I did not understand whether the child was getting enough to eat or not, she was insanely restless, and the first months turned into a real nightmare. And it all ended when I went back to work and started feeding her with formula. The situation repeated itself with my youngest child, although I decided to wean him off the breast quite quickly. Perhaps food has nothing to do with it, and anxiety is genetically embedded in my children. Now all the colic is behind us, we are getting back to normal. I hope that soon I will have time to continue not only working, but also to run my blog for young mothers. When I was pregnant, I made videos about nutrition, gymnastics, childbirth in the USA, and now I plan to study all the latest recovery procedures, diets, sports for mothers and tell viewers about it. I myself am terribly interested in all this."