Margarita Sukhankina has come a long way on her way towomen's happiness. The beautiful singer was married several times and tried to have children, but she first found the joy of motherhood five years ago: in December 2012, she adopted a three-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. The "golden voice" of the Mirage group told Woman's Day in an exclusive interview about how she decided to do this, how she raises her long-awaited children and what progress they are making.- Adoption is not easy, it is not "todayI wanted to - I did it tomorrow, ”this is a long process. I have come a long way to this, I tried to become a mother many times. I always wanted to have children, I really wanted to. When I realized that I would no longer have my own, I began to think about different options. Considered and the option of artificial insemination, and surrogate motherhood. And then I realized that there are a huge number of children in orphanages and that if I take someone from there, it will be the best act in my life - to make someone who lives in a government institution happy. So my life was formed, that there were mistakes in it, which led me to this step. I did it quite consciously, analyzing everything and consulting with my parents. Thank God, mom and dad are alive and well, I have been living together for more than 60 years. They supported me in this matter. Initially, I wanted to take one child, and took two, because they are indivisible - this is brother and sister. I chose them with my heart and realized that this is a one-way ticket: I will live with them all my life, no matter what happens. They will always be with me. And I will always be with them. And all glory to God. Anything has happened in these five years, but we live in perfect harmony, I adore my children, they are my best. I understand that I made the right choice, it was on these two that my heart responded, so I felt them. With other wonderful children it was not so much that I was drawn to them so much. It seems that they are my flesh and blood, that I gave birth to them myself. “What advice would you give to those of our readers who still hope to have their children, until what age should we decide on this?
- Through my life, I realized that nothing is neededto wait. And in no case, if your daughter had a pregnancy early, you cannot push her to the wrong thing. When the pregnancy came, it means that then it was necessary. And the sooner it comes, the better. The best period, of course, is from 20 to 30 years, when a woman is in the juice. And let no difficulties frighten you: God gave the baby - he will give it to the baby. Remember this adage. Of course, today women give birth at any age, but still it is better to decide by the age of 40. Then it is unsafe for the health of the woman, and for the health of the baby. We already have enough problems with ecology. And then 40 years is the deadline. - If the body allows you to use artificial insemination or ask another woman to carry the child, then how is it better to act, in your opinion, to give birth to your biological child in this way or to adopt?
“Children are all equal, and I would advise to adopt.” How many orphanages did you visit before your heart felt: here they are, my little ones?
- Many, I have traveled all over Moscow and the Moscow region. And I saw my children in Timur Kizyakov’s program “While at home” in the “You will have a child” section. He also has a website where all the kids from all over Russia are gathered, their life is shown, how they grow, how they play. It is very convenient that you can see. You look and think: I would take this baby for myself. It happened to me. Mine is now big. Valeria is 8 years old, Sergey is 9 years old. Both go to school: Lerochka - in the second class, Sergei - in the third. Successes - in every way (we have both two and five): children are children. But they are trying hard. I never scold for ratings: we only fix them. Mostly errors in the Russian language and mathematics, but more from inattention. Especially I have Sergei - an absent-minded boy, a little romantic, periodically hovers in the clouds. And Lerochka is hard in the sense that she is left-handed. At the same time, they both deal with me additionally. Serezha goes to a music school, plays the piano perfectly. Lera is engaged in choreography, dancing. Serezha still goes to the sports section of the school for basketball. He sports love. They also put a ring in the yard, and he plays there. Still riding a bike. So children are loaded from morning till night. - Is something known about their biological parents?
“Their mother has already died, in the column“ Father ”- a dash. - Do they know that their new mother is a famous singer?
“They already know, although I have hidden it from them for a long time.” “Why?
– Because I just wanted to be a mother to them.But then their friends showed me, and they saw me on TV many times. They took it calmly: I don’t cultivate my profession in them. I say that all works are good. But they like my songs. And they themselves are creative children: they periodically organize concerts and discos at home with a tape recorder and disks, they sing, they dance. They shout to me: “Mom, now we’ll show you how to sing and dance!”