How many times do they do ultrasounds during pregnancy?Photo: Getty ImagesLearning the sex of the child, determining the state of health in the womb - all this has become possible thanks to ultrasound. There are many rumors among pregnant women about the harm of this diagnostic method. Many are concerned about the question: "How many times do they do an ultrasound during?" Today, this study is necessary in each trimester of pregnancy. These standards are established not only by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The entire world community follows them. At 10-12 weeks, the doctor will determine the gestational age, estimate the date of birth, find out if the embryo has developmental disorders, gross deformities or hereditary diseases, such as Down syndrome. At 22-24 weeks, any pathologies in fetal development are excluded: all organs and systems of the fetus are already formed. Having detected them in time, doctors will take the necessary measures, prescribe appropriate treatment. By the way, many parents are waiting for the second ultrasound examination, because it becomes obvious who to expect - a boy or a girl. Although there is an opinion that a competent specialist will report this news even at the first scheduled ultrasound. At 30-34 weeks, the doctor determines the baby's weight and tells the future parents about how it lives in the womb: whether it is lying correctly, whether it receives everything it needs, whether it will need any surgery. Whether it is possible to do an ultrasound during pregnancy more than three times is an individual question. The obstetrician can prescribe an additional ultrasound if something in your condition is alarming. How often can you do an ultrasound during pregnancy? As required by the doctor. If the pregnancy is complicated, then up to 10 examinations are prescribed. The harm of ultrasound is still debated, but no one doubts its benefits: nothing is more valuable than the saved lives of mother and baby. Therefore, you should not be afraid of referrals for another study. "Weak" ultrasound, which acts for a short time, is considered safe. Another thing is 3D and 4D ultrasound, as well as video recording of the study, which you really shouldn’t get carried away with. Also interesting: