A photo: Getty Images Time flies with incredible speed. Here we just brought a small roll from the hospital home, I tried to establish a feeding, wore my crumbs "column" and worried about each gram. It seemed to me that we are inseparable. All my time was divided into "before" and "after" feeding. I knew that you can not just take and leave the house without leaving a bottle of milk. I read various literature and tried to observe a sea of ​​tips for improving lactation. But it took only 7-8 months, and now my little daughter is already trying vegetables, fruits, cereals and even meat! Of course, she can not do without her mother's milk, but gradually I see how she becomes less dependent on me.

The time has come!

There is a generally accepted norm of the World OrganizationHealth (WHO), according to which the baby is recommended to use only breast milk up to 6 months. After six months, the introduction of complementary foods and continued breastfeeding until 2 years. But each mother solves this issue for herself. And often our designated terms can both increase and decrease significantly. Initially, I decided for myself that I would feed the baby for up to a year A photo: Getty Images But there was a moment when I seriously thought about the early completion of feeding. My baby started biting at 10 months! So painful I was not even the first days when we just got used to each other. No creams and ointments are not saved. The only thing that helped us survive that period is special silicone pads that you can buy now in almost any pharmacy. While I used them, traces of bites healed, and the child realized that the teeth should not interfere with the calm drinking moloko.No here's a daughter turned a year, and I realized that she is not ready to end breastfeeding. Each child has a degree of attachment to his mother. My girl, for example, in the year started to erupt at once 5 or 6 teeth, she almost did not eat anything but milk. How could I leave her completely hungry? "Then the teeth cracked, but the child fell ill. The temperature is 39, the mood is at zero, a languid, sleepy girl, which even the most beloved toys and entertainment do not please. During the illness or during the eruption of teeth, in no case can not deprive the baby of mother's milk. Double stress will be very difficult to transfer. Until the child fully recovered, I did not even think about stopping feeding. In general, do not demand too much from the child: do not simultaneously accustom to the pot, self-falling asleep and at the same time wean from the chest. Try not to plan other important cases or medical procedures for this period. And then came the spring, the child mastered all the basic skills of the first year - has long been crawling, sitting, getting up and cheerfully stomping his legs. In addition, the baby more or less agrees to eat "adult" food, chewing gums have already appeared, and canines are not yet visible. The moment for me is optimal. Especially I heard that it is better not to finish breastfeeding in the summer. Therefore, in April, a year and 3 months old baby, I made a firm decision to complete breastfeeding. And at that time, I already realized that I want to complete a child up to a year and a half. I saw how every day my daughter becomes more and more intelligent. And I realized that the next step would be harder for us. The fact is that for the first six months, I absolutely did not see my child's dependence on breastfeeding, which many mothers talk about. And for me it was a complete surprise that closer to the year the child began to wake up more often to eat at night, and in the afternoon - to refuse full-fledged meals in favor of milk. I realized that this could complicate the task. Also interesting:

