Situational-personal and business ways of interaction

Situational communication methods arise ininitial periods. The mother takes care of the child and gradually the baby responds to her with joyful smiles and cooing. He reads her emotions and gets offended when she leaves him. This form is called "situational-personal".forms of communication of children with adultsThe forms of communication between children and adults influenceself-esteem of the babyPhoto: Getty The next form from 6 months to 2 years, which is usually called "situational-business". The child's attention is still tied to the adult according to the situation, but the communication style changes. The baby is interested not in the object itself - the parent, but in the objects that he provides. The possibilities of communication also become wider. The child learns to use gestures, make movements aimed at contact.

The main extracurricular forms of interaction

These forms are associated with the emergence and developmentspeech, which allows the child to consider not objects and situations that are within reach, but their images. They are also divided by periods of the child's development. The extra-situational cognitive form "enters the scene" from 3 to 5 years. It is marked by a stream of questions to an adult. These questions concern the world of living and inanimate nature and their patterns. The child is interested in everything in the world, and the adult is seen as the source of all this knowledge. Questions come in continuously:

  • Why don't the fish fly?
  • Where does the sun go?
  • Why is snow white?

You need to answer superficially, but not deceive.child. He will remember this information for the rest of his life. You can ask a counter question and get a detailed answer that lifts the curtain on the child's world. The extra-situational-personal form begins at the age of 6-7. Here, the child's interest shifts from the world of things to people and society. The baby asks questions related to moral standards, good and evil, and relationships between people. The child begins to evaluate himself and others, and here he still needs the support of adults, whose opinions he relies on. The need for mutual understanding with an adult is an important part of this relationship. You cannot give a child negative assessments; you can express your dissatisfaction about an action without going personal. When correcting the child's behavior, you can talk about your feelings about his actions. The ways a child communicates with an adult change with age. The pinnacle of this relationship is the last stage, which coincides with the beginning of school.

