Constipation in a child on artificial feeding

Before taking any action,it is worthwhile to find out: is the child really constipated. It is believed that children must defecate up to 10 times a day. But here everything depends on the individual characteristics, for some children the norm is 6-8 times.constipation with artificial feedingConstipation with artificial feeding is not alwaysarises because of the mixPhoto: Getty The problem needs to be considered in a complex way. The color and consistency of feces are important. If they are dark and granular in structure, you should consult your doctor. Parents should be alerted to the situation when the stool is drawn back into the rectum. Constipation is indicated not only by a rare defecation, but also by other symptoms. For example, vomiting, bloating, crying and stress during bowel movements, refusal of food.

Causes of constipation in artificial persons

Most often, blame for this phenomenon is the mixture. The fact is that their composition is different from breast milk. They have little fiber, protein predominates. Such food is rude for a newly born child. Gentle stomach it is worse and takes longer to digest. That's why you need to feed the baby less often than with breastfeeding. You should observe at least a 3-hour break. Other reasons include:

  • Lack of fluid. Drinking is very important for babies. After feeding it must be dosed with water.
  • Sharp transition to a new type of food. You can not wean the baby suddenly. It is better to gradually reduce the proportion of breast milk in the diet.
  • Frequent replacement of mixtures. Pediatricians recommend sticking to a single product. If the baby feels comfortable, there is no point in switching to another. You can change the mixture if it does not fit the newborn.
  • Dysbacteriosis, that is, a violation of the digestive tract due to bacterial imbalance.

All these factors can affect the frequency of emptying a child.

How to help the child?

If the constipation is repeated regularly, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. If you are one-time, you can try to manage on your own. Constipation can pass if:

  • Do a little massage for the baby. Movements should be directed clockwise, do not affect the umbilical cavity and the liver region.
  • Follow the position of the baby and turn it over often on the tummy. In this position, gases are better to escape, so the probability of constipation decreases.
  • Choose mixtures containing prebiotics - Similac, Agusha Gold, or lactulose - Semper, Humana.
  • Use medicines (as a last resort). Kids are well tolerated by Forlax, Dufalac.

All these elementary tools should help the child, and soon he will be healthy and cheerful. It is also useful to know:

