If you've been to Japan, you know that therethere is a cult of cats. To the point that in this country there are two "cat" islands: Tashiro and Aoshima. There are more whiskered and striped ones there than people. At the same time, you can't just go and get a cat there (Sean Bean winked at you now). First, you need to get permission. Not all apartment buildings allow keeping animals. In those where it is allowed, housing costs a third more than in ordinary ones. That is why cat cafes are so popular in Japan, which have only recently begun to appear in our country. Ku's owners were lucky: they received permission to get a cat. The handsome Japanese bobtail has been living in the family for 15 years. When his owner became pregnant, there was no talk of getting rid of Ku. Especially since he fell in love with the future baby at first sight of his mother's belly. As soon as the owner sat down to rest, Ku would immediately appear next to her: he would hug her belly and start purring. The cat did not give up his habit even when the baby was born. Seeing the tiny girl for the first time, the cat carefully came closer, sniffed the child, and then lay down next to her and purred happily. Since then, Ku has not left his little person for a step: he purred, warmed her, lulled her. Incredibly, the cat turned out to be the perfect nanny! The parents do not mind, the mother even knitted identical hats for her daughter and her furry bodyguard. “I am sure he will guard his precious sister like a real older brother,” says the touched mother.

