We want, but does he want?
Поэтому когда моему сыну исполнилось 7 лет и 3 months of summer holidays were looming ahead, at a family council we decided to give it a try. We chose a camp not far from home, but outside the city. The shift was connected with computers, and the program promised to be intense. Fresh air, sun, a river, games with peers, competitions, discos, what could be better for a child in the summer! But only we thought so, and not our son. We gave him our word that if he lasted a week, and then on Parents' Day asked to take him away, then we would definitely do it.Photo: Getty Images
Parents are scarier than children
They gave him an old phone and put it all together.a bag of everyday things - just take them off in the evening and put them in a separate bag. They gave him some treats and instructions on how to behave with the children and the teachers. Of course, I was constantly on the phone, I was very worried about him. Experienced mothers said that it was better not to call them there, not to disturb them. That's what I did, I called the counselors and teachers. Is he eating? Does he go to the river? Is he sick? Does he change his clothes? Does he play games? Does he have friends? For 4 days, our son didn't call us even once. When my mother's heart was completely exhausted, I had to ask the teacher to give him the phone: - Why don't you call us? How are you doing? - There is no time. Everything is scheduled from morning to evening. Will you come? - Yes. Do you like it? - Yes. Just come.
"Oh, you dirty, unwashed pig!"
Parents' Day has arrived.Imagine my surprise when my son showed up for the meeting wearing the same clothes he had when he left home. - Didn't you change your T-shirts, shorts, socks? - I couldn't find them. - How? I put everything in a separate bag for each day. - Where? - In my bag. - I put it in the closet the day he arrived and never took it out, I only took a towel. - And the candies and cookies in the bag? They melted there. - They were taken away from us right away. So, shall we go home? We couldn't refuse this request, since our child looked like a grimy little devil. That was the first time I understood what the expression "socks are standing still" meant. At home, we bathed him, washed his clothes, dressed him in clean clothes, and allowed him to watch cartoons all day and do nothing.
"I like it, but I still want to go home"
A photo: Getty Images He did not want to return, but we, having forgotten about this promise, nevertheless persuaded him. About the camp the son did not tell. He was silent all the time. And only when we went back, he said that he has a good friend there, they go to discos together and participate in scenes, that a scientific laboratory came to them, and they did experiments and conducted experiments, there were cheerful birthdays and swimming competitions . So flew three weeks, the son stayed in the camp until the closing of the shift. I brought a lot of letters, photos and a lot of memories. But every time we came to visit him, the story repeated: he was dirty, disheveled and with a single desire to go home.
Children's camp is important!
We kept seeing him throughout the year.acquaintances from the camp: they greeted him everywhere - on public transport, in a store, at a strange school, in a cafe, at bus stops, in parks and even in other parts of the city. - Where did you get so many acquaintances from? - I was surprised at first. - Mom, have you forgotten? I was at the camp, - he answered proudly. At that time, my girlfriends reproached me for sending such a small child so far from home. But I do not regret it. He became more independent, more responsible, learned to take responsibility for his words and say "no". Of course, this experiment could have been carried out later, a few years later, but you should never compare your child with others. When deciding to send your child to camp, always take into account his individual characteristics so that this experiment brings advantages to your child's development, not disadvantages.