Children's dentist, hygienist Alena Petrenko will tell you everything about the prevention and treatment of oral diseases that your child may be exposed to.Lecture program1.The most common diseases of preschoolers and schoolchildren. Caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums, bad breath. Prevention, causes of diseases, treatment. 2. Baby teeth. In what cases is medical intervention necessary and in what cases is it not. 3. Fostering a culture of daily dental and oral care in children. 4. Fostering a culture and practice of regular visits to the dentist in a child. Prevention of fear of medical intervention. “Bad breath, bleeding gums and dental caries - each of us has encountered these problems firsthand. The prevalence of these dental pathologies by the age of two approaches 30%, and by adolescence - it reaches 98%. Therefore, an important part of preventive strategies is informing parents about the nature of diseases, teaching simple and effective methods of self-help and motivation to cultivate healthy habits in the family,” said doctor Alena Petrenko. The event will be held as part of the educational project “Healthy Children”. “Healthy Children” is a weekly series of lectures on children’s health with the participation of leading Russian doctors. The goal of the project is to preserve children’s health. To register, simply send your first and last name by email to: [email protected]. Admission is free. Registration is required!

