Laxatives for constipation for childrenLaxatives for constipation for childrenPhoto: Getty

Possible causes of constipation in children

Induce obstructed bowel movementthe child may have a variety of factors. The main causes of problems with bowel movements in children under 1 year of age: 1. Unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother. 2. Transition from breastfeeding to formula feeding, .3. Insufficient drinking regime of a child who is bottle-fed. 4. Feeding input. Especially if it happens ahead of time. 5. Allergy to foods that a nursing mother eats or those that are introduced with complementary foods. 6. Diaper dermatitis, which provokes irritation of the skin of the anus. In addition to the above factors, intestinal pathologies can cause constipation. In older children, a psychological factor also plays a role. They may be afraid to go to the toilet in kindergarten or school, which can lead to problems with defecation. Uncontrolled intake of medications, an illiterate menu, helminthic invasions, inflammation of the anus, cracks, hemorrhoids - all this also provokes constipation.

Laxatives for constipation for children

What kind of laxative can a child and in what doses,only the pediatrician decides. It is impossible for a mother to choose medicines herself and give them to the baby uncontrollably. The doctor must determine the cause of problems with defecation, and then prescribe treatment. Especially if constipation is a frequent occurrence, amateur activities here will be excessive and even harmful. In rare cases of constipation, sparing home remedies are used. Laxative tea for children. In the people such means is called "dill water". Preparation: ½ tsp. dill seeds pour 100 ml of boiling water, to insist 1 hour. Dill can be replaced with fennel seeds. Fruit puree. This is a natural laxative that can be prepared from apples, prunes. But the mash is given to children after 6 months.3. A decoction of dried fruit. The tool is suitable for a child older than 1 year. It is necessary to take 100 grams of dry figs and prunes, pour three glasses of water and cook for half an hour. Water the broth during the day. Preparing a quick laxative for a child is easy. But before using it, it is better to consult with your local pediatrician. Constipation is not uncommon in children. But you should know that it provokes, because, having eliminated the cause, you can easily cope with the consequence. Read also:

