Photo:@borodyliaThis summer, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Kurban Omarov. As soon as the couple got married, rumors began to circulate about the TV presenter’s pregnancy. Borodina either kept silent or attacked fans who wrote about her interesting condition, which only confirmed their guesses. “Hormones are probably jumping,” said fans. Ksenia decided to tell the truth only on November 16. Being in her eighth month, the star admitted that she was expecting a child! “Today is November 16, and I’m telling you “yes”! I’m pregnant, and there’s no way to hide my happiness any longer! And many of you probably guessed earlier than my husband and I did… I hid it for almost 8 months, because this is such an intimate moment for me that, unlike my first pregnancy, I want more silence here… But these are also unforgettable feelings of joy and happiness! I’m doing well, just great!” And this is all thanks to the support of my family, my husband, my beautiful daughter, my friends!” Borodina wrote on her Instagram.
The TV presenter has already arranged the nursery. Photo:@borodyliaThe presenter has already decided on the maternity hospital – the baby will be born in Moscow, and this joyful event will take place before the New Year. There are only a few days left until the “X” hour, now Ksenia is buying up everything she needs for the baby at lightning speed. “There is a corner with cradles in each room. We also want a crib, it will arrive soon. I buy the best for the future baby. Today I bought a wonderful handmade cradle, the model is made of natural willow, and also a very cool envelope for newborns,” Ksenia shared with her subscribers. Based on the color of the cradle, fans determined that Borodina will most likely give her six-year-old daughter Marusya a sister.