Pregnancy of Nastya Kostenko, who is completelyrecently became the official wife of football player Dmitry Tarasov, has long ceased to be a secret. Despite the fact that both the girl and her husband carefully hid the situation and did not pay attention to controversial issues, subscribers of Nastya Kostenko have long congratulated the couple on the future addition. And they only wondered when the model would share her happiness. And now the couple decided not to hide the pregnancy anymore: both Anastasia and Dmitry shared tender photos from the latest photo shoot. The lovers changed several outfits, but you can no longer argue with the fact that Nastya is in a position. Subscribers to their Instagram immediately rushed to congratulate the guys on the future addition. Mar 29, 2018 at 2:46 PDT “This is incredible happiness! You are great. Let everything be only good”, “You are a real family, and now there will be an addition. This is wonderful”, “You are an incredibly harmonious couple, I wish you only happiness.” Other subscribers decided to determine the pregnancy period, because Nastya did not say anything at all about the situation. “A belly like this is usually in the sixth month, no less. Nastya, easy labor!” “Great, congratulations! Judging by your belly, you are already at a decent period, six months?” The caption under the photo “Sweet 24” also fueled the debate about the period. Despite the fact that the girl most likely meant her birthday - she turned 24 on Thursday, some subscribers thought that this was the period in weeks. 29 Mar 2018 at 2:46 PDT Unfortunately, not everyone decided to congratulate the couple on the happy event. Some began to sympathize with Dmitry Tarasov’s ex-wife Olga Buzova: “Olyasha won’t last”, “Poor Buzova”. The editors of join in the congratulations and wish Anastasia an easy pregnancy and childbirth.