The significance of lullabies

The lullaby song in Russia was a rite and carried inimagine different sacraments. For the baby, the mother composed her lullaby song, and she became his amulet. In addition to the hypnotic effect, this song was attributed to protection against diseases and troubles.a lullaby for a childA lullaby needs to sing a few more minutesafter his falling asleep Photo: Getty Studies have shown that the influence of a lullaby on a person is similar to that of prayers and conspiracies. This song appears as:

  • a spell on sleep;
  • conspiracy for growth and health;
  • wish for wealth and prosperity in the future;
  • amulet from bad influence.

Currently, there are no such functions for the lullaby, but its impact on the emotional state of the child can not be overemphasized.

Songs for a baby developing in the womb

It is considered that the baby hears soundsmother's voice even during pregnancy, he monitors and her condition. Knowing about such a strong connection with the future baby, my mother tries to protect herself from unrest and listens to pleasant music. "Right" music causes pacification and relaxes. When not yet born babe hears relaxing music and feels the reaction of mom, he also calms down. Such a kid in the future will develop better and before his peers will start talking. When also mother herself sings a song for her child, stroking herself on the belly, it strengthens her connection and acts therapeutically on the future baby. In the process of singing:

  • At mum symptoms of a toxemia decrease, pressure decreases, the heart rhythm decreases.
  • For the baby - it's breathing exercises, which helps him to develop properly. He gets more oxygen, and his heartbeat normalizes.

Even if the vocal data of the mother is far from perfect, her easy melodies of lullabies send the baby energy of love and tenderness.

How useful is the lullaby for fast falling asleep

Evening song affects the baby better than a fairy tale. Melodious, gentle sounds act on the baby, because he feels love in them. A song is not just a narrative, but an appeal to a baby, a declaration of love. For the child there is no greater security guarantee in this world than my mother's love. It is the feeling of one's own safety that immerses the child in a calm drowsy state, smoothly passing into sleep. It does not matter that at first he does not understand the words. He feels the intonation and mother's the wombThe child is able to listen to music in the womb. Photo: Getty Lullaby is part of the ritual of going to sleep. First the child dines, then plays, in the evening it is washed and, finally, he listens to the song of the mother. This scheme of action prepares the baby for bed.

How does the song for children help at night

Melodies of lullabies carry in your heartall life. In the East they say that the mother did not sing lullabies in her childhood as a child. Even adult people calm down when they hear native melodies. German doctors reduced the amount of anesthesia during surgery, giving patients to listen to these songs. Mum's songs not only soothe and pacify the baby, not only strengthen his health and create a sense of security, they:

  • introduce the child to the phonetics of the native language;
  • open to him the world around him, including various animals and birds;
  • narrate to him about the dangers: "A gray wolf will come ...";
  • fix his place in this big world.

The last point says that the child hashis home and a loving mother, his own part of the space where he is always loved and in demand. It lays him a program to accept himself and succeed in life. A lullaby is needed for both mother and baby. It facilitates mutual understanding between native people.

