Katie Holmes mainly uses social network forcareer and rarely shares with fans family photos. Rarely, but aptly. Yesterday, the actress laid out black and white shots from the celebration of her mom's birthday, which immediately became the most popular on the Internet. And no wonder, from Katie's photographs with sleeping Suri (apparently, the little girl was tired of a noisy party and fell asleep in her mother's arms) !! How cute they look together ...Photo:@ katieholmes212Under the pictures, Katie put hashtags # calmnight, #littleangel, #family, #love. Subscribers to the actress's account immediately began to comment on the publication. “How lovely”, “Very beautiful,“ How interesting to watch you ”,“ You are a supermom, Suri is incredibly lucky ”,“ Katie is the best mom in show business, ”wrote Internet users. And some also noted that the actress has every chance of becoming an excellent wife as well. After her divorce from Tom Cruise in 2012, Katie Holmes, we recall, does not talk about her personal life. While her ex-husband is building relationships with different girls, she spends all her free time with her daughter or on the set of a new picture. Earlier this year, news of her romance with actor Jamie Foxx appeared in the media, but in May, insiders reported that the celebrities had broken up (read more HERE).A photo: @ katieholmes212But, Katie is philosophical about her family failures. And almost in all interviews she says that the main thing for her is to be a good mom. For the sake of her daughter, the celebrity even moved from the bustling center of New York to a quiet area of ​​California (for more details, click on the link).

