Kate Middleton is pregnant againPhoto:Starface Prince William and Duchess Catherine will be the parents of their second baby in April 2015. The statement also said that 32-year-old Kate, who is now about 14 weeks pregnant, continues to worry. However, doctors say her condition is "steadily on the mend." Earlier this month, Kate and her son, Prince George, in Bucklebury, Berkshire. Apparently, in such an environment, it is easier for the duchess to cope with the illness. According to a close source, "Kate feels very lazy and relaxed, and all she wants is to be away from prying eyes, surrounded by loved ones."Kate Middleton is pregnant againA photo: All Lover Press. How well the duchess is feeling, we will be able to appreciate with our own eyes. This week, already on Tuesday, Keith will join Prince William at an official event dedicated to the arrival of Singapore's President Tony Tan in the UK. By the way, this will be the first appearance of Katherine in public in an interesting position.Kate MiddletonPhoto: StarfaceKate MiddletonPhoto: Starface

